Fan Zone - You Know You're a Brady Fan if...
- You find yourself singing the Brady Bunch
theme: "Here's the story, of a man named Brady..."
- You want one of those old grandpa hats like
Tom does.
- You yell "nice hat!" at someone who
actually does own one of those old grandpa hats.
- Your family knows who "Tom" is; they
don't have to hear the last name to know who you're talking about.
- You say "you know" a lot.
- You have every game he's played in this season
on tape.
- You have every newspaper from the playoffs in
a huge stack in your room.
- You were mad at ESPN because they didn't cover
enough of the Patriots until the playoffs.
- You were mad at Sports Illustrated because the
article they ran on Tom was too short.
- You laugh every time you see the E! True
Hollywood Story on TV.
- You cried when Tom hurt his ankle in the
Patriots/Steelers game.
- The number 12 almost immediately became your
new favorite number.
- You instantly became a Wolverine fan (if you
weren't one before).